Why this blog?

Hi There,

I absolutely love to make fun delicious cupcakes for all occasions. I am a mom of 3 little ones that LOVE them. I'm not a pro at baking and decorating I just really enjoy doing it. We have a huge family that keeps us busy with many family event, parties and birthdays that allow me to be creative with my cakes. This is my way of relaxing and having fun. This blog came about when I made the "Fries for Beef" cupcakes. My sister-in-law suggested that I start a blog to show them off and I thought it would be fun to see how many cool recipes I can actually pull off and share them with you.

So here I go...

Monday, October 18, 2010

Orange Cream

My sister's friend asked me to make cupcakes for her daughters 1st birthday party in November, 40-50 to be exact. She didn't care so much about making them look fancy. Her only criteria was that they were delicious. She said her and her hubby usually eat dessert that are chocolate and peanut butter so that makes it pretty easy for one kind of cupcake. Usually infants shouldn't eat nuts until they reach 2 yrs old so I'm dabbling in the kitchen a little to figure out what option I'm going to go with for cupcake #2.
I've been thinking alot about what to make for this birthday girl. I tried a Orange Wheat cupcake with Vanilla Honey Cream icing.
... not the winner.
Although it tastes pretty good, it more like a muffin from the wheat flour.
My husband loved it but he loves that wheat taste.
The Frosting was pretty yummy and I can thank the honey from that. It's amazing what a couple teaspoons can do.

1/3 cup (75 ml) regular block cream cheese,
2 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
2 teaspoons honey
3/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
Pinch of salt
2 cups sifted powder sugar

Beat cream cheese with butter, honey, vanilla and salt. Gradually add icing sugar until thick enough for spreading.
Stay tuned for more ideas and recipes...

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