Why this blog?

Hi There,

I absolutely love to make fun delicious cupcakes for all occasions. I am a mom of 3 little ones that LOVE them. I'm not a pro at baking and decorating I just really enjoy doing it. We have a huge family that keeps us busy with many family event, parties and birthdays that allow me to be creative with my cakes. This is my way of relaxing and having fun. This blog came about when I made the "Fries for Beef" cupcakes. My sister-in-law suggested that I start a blog to show them off and I thought it would be fun to see how many cool recipes I can actually pull off and share them with you.

So here I go...

Friday, April 30, 2010

A Must Have Apron.

Okay so not everything is going to be about cupcakes. I found these adorable aprons at Anthropoloy and I had to share. I've never seen aprons so stylish with such flare. These three are my favorite but their selection is so big that it will please anyones style. I can definitely see my little sis, Brianna, wearing the black and white one while she's baking for her new hubby.


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